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Publicado en por D


Hello, D says “Hi” again. Today I bring some facts about an important singer of our century. I hope you like it, please, don’t forget to share it with friend or with people who may need this info. Have a good day.


The culture of a place is an integral part of this society whether that place is a remote village in Brazil or a highly industrialized city in Europe. The cultures around the world fascinate us, at first glance, because they seem very dissimilar. Japanese people, for example, bow. They do not shake the hands because they consider it inappropriate. Arabian men kiss each other on the check when they meet.

On the other hand, teenager in U. S. A. leave home when they finish high school. They think that to live with their parents is unconventional. You might think that a driving system in which people left on the right is impossible; but, the citizens of fifty-nine places all over the world do it. This custom is from countries like Hong-Kong, Jamaica, Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, United Kingdom and others.

If you are an immigrant in Indonesia and you want to marry a woman, don’t be impolite! Tradition prohibits newly-married couples from clearing their bowels or urinating for three days and nights, or from leaving the house during this time.

Finally, Asian people have the habit of saying words just before they start to eat meals and finish their meals. If they come over to a friend’s house for dinner, they do the same thing. If they do not say these words, the other people would think that they are discourteous.

In conclusion, we can easily see from these few examples how different the world we live in is.


Source: Navigators 10 teaching resourcing 2011