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Endangered Animals and some extinc animals

Publicado en por D

Image source: http://endangered-animals.ca/en/ HEY DUDES, here I bring sad information but also one to make you react, I hope u like, don't forget to share with your friends and with people who might need it. Endangered Animals On our planet many animals...

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A House for Hermit Crab

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image source: https://es.pngtree.com/freepng/cartoon-hermit-crab_3450313.html Hello everyone, Today I want to share this pretty story, remember to share it with your friend or with people who may need this material. A House for Hermit Crab By ERIC CARLE...

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The Tenses

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Info resource: English Grammar Intermediate Therory&Practice by Nicholas Agnon, Terry Vigo 2014 The Tenses The tenses allow us to move through time and express our ideas, actions, desires and wishes whenever we want. We should keep in mind that time is...

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Alice in Wonderland

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Image source: https://www.google.com.co/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0ahUKEwjusK2p9OjVAhUmjFQKHYeYCZgQjxwIAw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cuentosinfantiles.net%2Fcuentos-resumen-alicia-en-el-pais-de-las-maravillas%2F&psig=AFQjCNEM8AYusaNarVOeJqXtHP4u0GOMHw&ust=1503424884303339 Hello...

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Creativity at work

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Hello everyone, today some interesting information about the innovation and creativity, this may be functional for people that are looking for fresh ideas. Don’t forget to share it. Have a nice day Creativity is more than just a Word; it is the secret...

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Publicado en por D

Hello, D says “Hi” again. Today I bring some facts about an important singer of our century. I hope you like it, please, don’t forget to share it with friend or with people who may need this info. Have a good day. The culture of a place is an integral...

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Englishman in New York

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Image source: https://www.google.com.co/search?q=ENGLISHMAN+IN+NEW+YORK&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicpp_Zt5bVAhVGWCYKHSE3BsQQ_AUICygC&biw=1600&bih=770#imgdii=O3pzvH9T7eLbdM:&imgrc=65Pd9ozjeh3BmM: Hello, D again here. Today I bring some facts...

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Modern Humans

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Image source: http://foros.elsiglodetorreon.com.mx/cultura/541505--cavernicolas-.html Hello, Today I bring a useful reading in order to make you identify various things in a text, like the kind of the text, what you can infer about it. By about 30.000...

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A funny error

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Image source: https://rideapart.com/articles/10-reasons-to-date-a-woman-who-rides-a-motorcycle Today I bring a funny story about a truly fact in a certain country, I hope you like it. In Britrain, you have to take a test if you want to ride a motorbike....

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A Truly Hero #simple present

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Image source: https://www.123rf.com/photo_40825628_stock-vector-hero-policeman-concept-a-conceptual-illustration-of-a-policeman-standing-with-his-shadow-in-the-shap.html Here I bring a good reading for practicing the simple present tense. I hope you...

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